Abby is not a vampire, she's a fucking creature out of Romero's film

Swedish adaptation of on the bestselling Swedish novel by Ajvide Lindqvist - -Lat den Ratte Komma In (2008)

Let Me In - US remake - 2010 (see at ur own risk)

Hammer films has a history... But let me put this clear, the main characters aren't just that good. On the vampire child...Abby, she's not androgynous, nor innocent like Eli. But What should I expect from an American version?>_< WHy does she have to transform into a monster? American filmakers should drop the CGI once in a while...WHat about Oskar? Well, Owen was ok, but still, the Swedish boy left a strong impression on me.
I had to leave my thoughts about it, cause people are syaing it's magnificent and 'original'...Well, it's not and the girl, she will always remind me of Nicholas Cage's daughter in Kickass..haha, she just doesn't convince as a vampire, at least that's my opinion. Anyways, check it out Let me in (2010), just after seeing the original one! By the way, I'm not comparing any of the filmic translations to the novel, I'm just evaluating each other separately...No strings attached.:] Good cinema Fellas!


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