Vampire fever continues...Incessant, undead

It's been centuries I try not to regard the topic, but yes...I"m on research about vamps again ...I gotta do it, it's my life mission!!XD After the sickening Twilight, the tasteless Vampire Diaries and the Awefuckingsome TruBlood, I'm afraid there are more bites to come.
On earlier posts I commented about a BBC series Being Human quite ingenious soup. I just fell in love with it and I'm looking forward to the 3rd season. Lately I heard of a US remake of a Being human...Geez, I downloaded the first two chapters but haven't watched yet, I'm not sure if I can...The British version really rules and I'm not certain if this version will be worth watching, coz American turn everything cheap! Remember what they did to Saya (BLOOD:LAST VAMPIRE), or Eli (Låt den rätte komma in)? I'll see what they did to this trio...