"Do you like being food for the immortals? Do you like dying?"

Dammed be eternity
Which cursed and sentenced my eyes to witness
the lives of those whom I love, be reduced to dust
I watch them born, I behold them die
I wait as they grow up and also grow old
I see their flaws, see they work them out
I observe their passions, laugh when they fall hard
I appreciate their growing light, their cheerful enthusiasm
Their foolish dreams, their uncertain paths
Their worthless greed and senseless wars
Their pitiful regret and countless faults
I respect their obsessions, their hunger for possessions
Their fear of damnation and unstoppable seek for salvation
I understand their pain, I mourn for their losses
I listen to their whims, rejoice with their noises
I grieve for their bad deeds, when they burn alive the seas
Then they amaze me again,
with their charm and impeccable smile
But then later I inevitably cry for a while,
when they infallibly start to run out of time.
By The Heartless a.k.a Vanesxa