Damned new year

Novel Times, Old repetitions

I wish you all a happy new year

Hope you convey this message from ear to ear

Speaking words of love loud and clear

Let’s promise to offer more cheers than tears

To live reasonably well and without fear

To care for your enemy and those we hold dear

To treasure your family as well as your peers

To sip everyday’s lemons like cold nice beers

To respect each other without mocking or sneer

To remember those who are distant and approach those who are near

I wish you all mankind a wondrous new year.

I suggest you to sketch a to-do list

And begin saying sorry to those you miss

Who you sent away and couldn’t take by the wrist

Who you deeply hurt when you’d rather have kissed

Those you made fun of and thoroughly pissed off

Quit being the lord of war and set up to become the pacifist

Resist selfishness and learn to abide and insist

Start shaking hands and stop clenching your angry fists

This brand new journey has no need of thunders or blinding mists.

I’d say my promises are shallow and empty

But yearnings and scorching passions I have in plenty

Even though my heart wavers for a moment, no disheartenment will tempt me.

I plan to share my pitiful sorrow and splendid joys

I want to build bridges and cease to destroy

I decided to be much braver and a little less coy

I’ll be a grown up with the craving of a dreamy boy.

I’m spreading harmony, prosperity and peace

As I pray my kindness and understanding increases

So my fragile words won’t fall into million pieces.

Come closer and take part in contagious raptures

Let’s dance and sing through fantastic adventures

Let’s feed on bliss and sow the finest future,

Let’s outdo ourselves and go for a challenging new departure,

Let’s be wiser and change our strict posture,

Let’s be infinitely merciful releasing our defenseless capture.

One more number added to your tedious weekdays

A whole set of months ahead of your blurring way

You write a poem though you have nothing to say

Life might remain the same though you try to disobey

The rule of sadness that has been threatening this fragile fresh Monday

Then you swallow the affliction and pretend to be just okay

They can’t see you succumb since you vowed not to be the one of yesterday.

Your expression has a somber veil, but you look dazzling and extremely gay.

The growing anxiety within you often comes with a newborn rain

The divine drops get you soaked but you’re the same ugly stain

No remedy or support can keep you from being openly insane

The illness of dreariness is constantly renewing your latest pain.

You struggle to look on the bright side

Though you’d rather get lost in the dazzling morning tide

An alarming voice tells you to run yet you prefer to weakly hide

Someone expects you to rise up and make great strides

But you have no incentive, will or a tiny chunk of pride

The waves come forth and you do your best not to slide

Inspiration has eloped so you cannot properly rhyme

a few short verses to wish a fortunate new year worldwide.

Excuse the pessimism I may gush outside

These are translated feelings I feel inside

But whenever the torrent of melancholy subsides

I promise to grant you incredible images and ravishing smiles.


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