Looking for an inspiration_updates (more about me)

OK! Today I'm letting you know a bit more about what's goin' on with my life!:)

I haven't been around much lately. Yes, it's sad but true. I can't do several things at the same time, and when I'm pressured, my writing sucks, it's a fact.
Actually I'm having lots of things to deal with at the moment, not only at work or college, but some relationships of mine are being threatened by death. Few people I know, those I can consider friends and those who play a great role in my life are pretty sick or simlpy drifting away.
Many matters of the heart to take care of, so you see, I guess my literay productian was a bit cast aside, unfortunately.
But I'm still alive and kicking, rhyming something here, composing something there...In a supernaturally slow pace, I must add.

Not having much fun lately, obviously. Movies, mangas, music and designing were put in second place. Above all I miss playing my acoustic guitar sometimes, and I know that if I don't go back to practice my fingers will get rusty, but I can't think of anything else but my Master's dissertation now. Bunch of texts to read and classes to attend, oh, it's distressing. I can't remember what it means to have a second of leisure time.

I'm also trying to put my designer skills in practice but nothing seems to work well lately. Following my instructor's encouragement I got into some sort of designer's contest, but I didn't have much faith in it since the beginning.
The truth is that I feel like crap for not winning the Eletrocooperativa competition, some moeny now would be surely welcome. However, I guess I haven't given much thought about the production of the video, my mind was somewhere else, anyways, at least I tried something!

Who doesn't know what this Eletrocooperativa thing is about, check the site: http://www.eletrocooperativa.org/

You can check my attempted audiovisual creation here:


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