"Your fall...from grace..has been the fall of a century"

Louis (a.k.a Merciful Death) POV We reached the Mediterranean. I wanted those waters to be blue...but they were black... night-time waters. And how I suffered then... straining to recall the color that in my youth I took for granted. We searched village after village... ruin after ruin... Country after country. And always we found nothing. I began to believe we were the only ones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For years I wandered: Italy, Greece... all the ancient lands. But the world was a tomb to me... A graveyard full of broken statues. And each of those statues resembled her face. THE BEST VAMPIRE MOVIE EVER!!! Those are some bits and pieces of Louis Pointe du Lac interview with the mortal Daniel Malloy. I just love Louis voice over in this film! So deep, so painful! I gotta love Pitt for that role! Original Script By Neil Jordan (1994), based on the best-selling novel"Interview with the Vampire"(1976) by the author Anne Fucking Rice !!